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Sexual Health

Allergic to Cum? Here’s My Personal Experience

So, you may have heard about people being ⁢allergic to all sorts of things, but have you ever considered the possibility​ of⁢ being allergic to cum? Yep, you read ‌that right. As someone⁣ who‍ has experienced this firsthand, I never…

Is Masturbation Better Than Sex?

Unlocking the age-old debate between masturbation and sex, we delve into a topic that has piqued curiosity for centuries. Is self-pleasure truly superior to the intimacy shared with a partner? Brace yourselves as we navigate through…

G-Spot: Stimulating Secrets for Enhanced Pleasure

Unveiling the untold ⁢wonders of the erotic realm, we venture into a clandestine conversation surrounding a mysterious ⁣pleasure zone. Welcome, dear readers,⁣ as we embark on an enthralling journey to uncover the secrets of the "G-spot," an…

Having Sex in the Bathroom: A Surprising Take

Entering ⁢the bathroom with your partner ⁤for ‌a steamy session: unconventional, ​unexpected,‌ and sure ‍to become ​a memorable ⁤experience. While it might ‍seem ⁣like a​ daring move, having sex in​ the bathroom isn't⁢ actually as taboo as…

Asking For Anal Sex: A Guide

A certain type of sexual activity makes some feel uneasy, and the mere mention of it can induce feelings of embarrassment ‍and discomfort. ⁢For some couples, anal sex can be a positive and pleasurable act⁣ to ‌add to their bedroom…

Stay Wet: Essential Tips for Sex

If you’re looking to have ‌more enjoyable and ⁢pleasurable intimate moments,⁤ it’s important to be mindful of ‘staying wet’⁣ throughout all aspects of foreplay and intercourse. Knowing the⁣ crucial tips to ​stay well ⁣lubricated naturally,…

How Long Does the Average Sex Session Last?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when⁢ it comes ​to sex. Different couples have ‌different preferences and patterns,‍ but ⁤when it comes to session length, the question many of⁤ us ⁤invariably have on our minds is, "How ⁢long does the…

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