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Sexual Behavior

Sleeping with a Prostitute: Is it Really Safe

So, ⁤you've found ⁣yourself in ​a ‌situation where the ‍option‌ of ⁣sleeping with a⁣ prostitute seems like the easiest way to satisfy your needs. But ‌before you jump into bed, have you stopped to think about the risks involved? It's time…

Prone Masturbation: Is it Really Bad for You

Hey there! Have you ever heard of prone masturbation? If‌ not,⁢ you might be surprised to learn that this common technique could actually be harmful to your sexual health. In this article, we'll dive into the controversial topic ‍of prone…

Oral Sex Debate: Does it Really Count as Sex

So,‌ let's talk about oral sex. It always seems to stir up⁢ some controversy whenever the topic ⁢comes up. Some people swear ‌by it, ​while others ‌argue ​that it doesn't even count as "real" sex.‌ But where do you stand on this debate? Is…

Sex Essentials: Is Being Naked Necessary

Have ​you ever wondered if being naked is really necessary when it comes to ​sex? Some people love it, while others prefer ⁢to keep some clothes on. In‍ this article, we'll delve into the debate surrounding nudity in the bedroom and explore…

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